Blog Archive

Testing Times

Hello my friends,

Having been absent from here for a few weeks (more about that in a moment) I had started to write a post about the projects I have been up to recently but the escalating news over the weekend made me think I didn't want to witter away in my usual way without first acknowledging the very strange and scary times we all find ourselves in. All across the world people are facing the unknown, the uncertain, and news that changes not daily, but hourly.  It feels like standing on the beach with the sand shifting from under our feet.  

I hope, wherever in the world you live, you are finding the support and comfort we all crave right now.  I hope you have what you need and have someone to turn to if you don't. For those facing health worries, job worries, financial concerns, isolation, be kind to yourself and please use all resources in your communities to get help and advice as and when you need it.  This is a time to be grateful for technology and connectivity.

The reason I have been quiet is I've been poorly.  A nasty viral infection a few weeks ago that laid me flat for several days, but then triggered a major bout of asthma, which is finally improving with the help of my sympathetic GP and some extra strong medication. As a normally fit and active person, this has taken its toll and I haven't been able to walk Daisy Dog (couldn't manage the hill back to our house) or concentrate on very much at all.  At the time I didn't fit the criteria for a Coronavirus diagnosis, but I am now very much hoping that's what it was, but have been advised to assume it wasn't, and to continue to be super vigilant and follow all the health advice issued.

I wish each and every one of you all the very best throughout the coming weeks and months as we confront this challenge.  I will, in the meantime, be back in a few days with that promised post about Projects.

Much love, and all good wishes,  

Donna xx